
Jul 30, 2010


I recently read that kids are more likely to eat things if they are able to help prepare them. So we made Fruit-Ka-Bobs for a snack. We used watermelon, strawberries and grapes but I'm sure you can use any combination of fruit.

Not only was it getting them involved they thought of it as a fun activity too. My oldest daughter even realized that she was able to make different patterns.
My little Lily liked the grapes the most. I think she ate more than we're put on the Ka-Bob.

The end result! :)

The truth is we don't all eat this way everyday and we're not getting proper supplementation.
Studies show that fewer and fewer of us are eating the ideal amounts of fruits and vegetables every day.
But even when we make an effort to eat healthier, we can still come up short.
Modern farming practices combined with new varieties of crops and even changes in the soil add up to one thing—fruits and vegetables aren’t as healthy as they once were.
I love this article sharing some idea's about Supplements and Creating a Healthier way of life.

Jul 28, 2010

Swimming Lessons

It's amazing that my little girl is big enough for swimming lessons! They had a lot of fun though!Getting ready to jump in the pool.
Going into the pool with the steps.
Thinking about going off the diving board.
Little sister playing in the baby pool.
Learning about bobs.
And She PASSED! Moved on to Level 2 for next year!

Jul 27, 2010

Follow me back Tuesday

This is a Blog Hop!!! Join in by:
  • Following all 5 hosts and leaving a comment on their blogs.
  • Make a post about FMBT and add a link (Click HERE!!)
  • Follow as many blogs as you like. (Leave a comment so they can follow you back).
  • When you receive a comment from a new follower, return the favor and follow them back.

Happy Tuesday!!!


Jul 24, 2010

Firmer Breasts

I saw this on the Ellen Show yesterday and it cracks me up! They claim by mixing Egg whites, Vitamin E, Plain Yogurt and Honey into a paste and then massaging it onto your pectoral muscles then letting it set for 20 min. You'll have firmer breasts. Too funny!

Jul 23, 2010

Fun Follow Friday

Hosted by Simply Stacie and My Wee View. Take a look at there blogs for all of the details.

What is a Godparent?

A Godparent is to be a practicing Christian who will assist the parents in bringing up the child in faith!

Wow!! What a HUGE honor and responsibility. My husband and I we're recently asked to be Godparents. I was so touched. I mean out of lots of loving friends and family members they thought enough of us to ask. After our conversation I got to thinking to myself, "what does a Godparent do?" and "How can a fulfill my duties as a Godparent?"

  • Be a good, respectable, and loving figure in the child's life.
  • Pray for your Godchild regularly.
  • Set an example of Christian living.
  • Help your Godchild grow in his faith as a Christian.
  • Give encouragement, love and be in the Godchild's life.

Those are things I CAN do after I thought about it! We now can say that we have three little girls of our own and that God has alowed us to be Godparents to a Son.

Jul 21, 2010

Top 5 Things working from Home has done for me:

I've been working from home for the past three and half years. I thought it would be fun to see how our Family has been blessed through the last few years.

#1: I'm home with my Family everyday! That in itself is such peace of mind and is truly the reason I wanted to work from home. #2: I have $$ in my wallet at all times now, WOOHOO!
#3: My Car. It's a Mommy car for sure but it gets 33 miles to the gallon, Our family rides comfortably, it's Reliable, and it's Ours.
#4: My new couch. To some this might seem strange but we recently bought our new couch, may I say with cash. It replaced our warn out couch that had been torn up, thrown up on, peed on, colored on, spilt on and all of the other fun Kid things.
#5: Our Credit Card debt is gone. At one point in our lives this was such a struggle and it's such a blessing to know that we don't have that overwhelming feeling anymore.

Jul 20, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

Top two things I want...
1. A part time Nanny to take care of my girls for a few hours each week so I can tackle some of those projects that I WANT to get done without little people.
2. A frappe ~ YUMMY!!! So craving one right now!

Follow me back Tuesday

I'm working on the blogging world, lol. I've now become part of Follow me back Tuesday
I'm So looking forward to meeting new mom's out there and getting tidbits to enhance my blog!

Our Little Flower Girls - Jennys wedding

Update: Here are a few of my favorite picts from my cousins wedding that I took.

My cousin recently got Married! They had the most amazing reception at the Minden Oprah hall. Just BEAUTIFUL! Our girls we're super excited there we're balloons. And did I mention they we're flower girls!
This is a view of the ceiling in the Oprah hall. As the night got darker it looked as if there we're stars shining through.

A picture of the wedding party!

AND the amazing little Flower girls!

My girls all dolled up before the day got started.

Sunday's Garden - a month later, o my.

O How my Garden has grown! My Green beans on the right are doing so well. We we're able to pick enough for a meal!
I can't wait for a salad with these little grape tomatoes!