
Aug 28, 2010


I often hear "she looks just like her daddy"... WHAT! Doesn't one of my three daughters look like me? I agree my oldest daughter has her daddy's nose, mouth and both girls have his eyes but come on!

All three girls are bits and pieces of each of us but from a Mommy's stand point it's nice to hear that your children look like you.

Finally I can say that my littlest one has Mommy's eyes! I know, I know the hair isn't, lol - guess that's daddy's department again.

But I must say I'm blessed to have cute little stinkers and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Even if they do resemble their daddy!
Thankfully I've come to the conclusion that the girls are not from the milk man ;)

Aug 24, 2010

Rub a Dub Dub... three cute little girls in a tub!

I love taking picts of my girls! They are the cutest little stinkers, but I'm a bit bi-est. Here are a few in an old wash bucket.

Meeting a dear friend

Saturday was such a blessing! My friend Paula and I have known each other for almost 3 years but have never met in person. By chance Paula and her family we're in our area for a wedding. Paula and I live about 14 hrs away from one another and met through work.
(Paula and my daughter Cadence.)

I was in awe seeing words come out of Paula's face, I've heard her voice many, many times but to see her expressions was priceless.

And to have our kids play together was so neat! The girls had a great time and talked about Carter all day long after we met.

Here's myself (right) my daughters Lilian and Mandy and Paula!

And three of our kiddos standing side by side like little stair steps. I can't wait to see Paula again and to see how much the kids have grown.
I've been blessed so much through InternetCEOMom's and being able to work from home but I really think one of the biggest blessings is the amazing women whom have come into my life that I get to call friends!

Carter, Mandy, Lilian and Cadence.

Aug 18, 2010

A quick trip to the park...

We went to town for a quick trip to the grocery store and the girls asked to stop by the park. My happy baby on the swings.
The girls climbing the wall.
Our little show off's :)
Cadence and I watching the girls.

Aug 13, 2010

CEO Mom's

My Team mates in SLC!! So very proud of everyone!

Aug 12, 2010

I've enjoyed my garden so much this year. Not only do you plant, water, weed but you also get to reap the rewards! Here are a few shots of my girls enjoying some yummy cucumber salad!
This was such a big tomato that came out of my garden. The size was so much bigger than any of the others. Perfect for topping a grilled hamburger.

Aug 8, 2010

Ready for the Parade!

Our girls got to be in our local parade! It was a lot of fun for them.
Cadence ready for the action.
Waiting to catch C-A-N-D-Y! (Because the girls we're in the parade they caught the tale end of catching Candy. But they had fun. And do they really need a full sack of that stuff. I swear I have candy in my house from last years parade.

Aug 2, 2010

Little Mermaid 5th Birthday Party

We celebrated our daughters 5th Birthday Party recently. It was super windy so we moved the party inside. I hung colorful balloons from the ceiling, tossed sea shells across the kid's table, We printed out and colored Little Mermaid coloring pages and placed them around the house including one that said "Mandy's Treasure" that we taped to a treasure box for all of her gifts to be placed in. Our Birthday girl with her cake.
This cake was so fun to make! We used Lego pieces for the characters. She loved it!

Checking Cow's with Daddy

A couple times a week we (the three girls and I) get to go check cows with Daddy. Here's a couple of cows from our window of the pickup. A view of the cows from a far.
A quick water fight at the tank.

Cadence looking out the window at the cows.
A few of the turtles we found at the water tank.

Lilian at the water tank.
Daddy "walking" the tank.