
Sep 15, 2010

Becoming a Leader

"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal." ~Vince Lombardi

We all have the ability to be a Leader! If your a Mom your a Leader for your children, if your a coach your a Leader of your Team, if your a horsemen your the Leader of your horse, if your a small business owner your a Leader of your business, if your a Pastor of a Church your a Leader of your congregation. No matter what you do from day to day we all have the ability to be a Leader! And if your not a leader here are 5 keys to help transform you into becoming a Leader.

5 Keys to Leadership (found Here)
1. A Leader Plans - Good leaders plan, analyze, and adapt. This means being proactive rather than reactive. A dream board is an excellent way to point out your plans weather they may be building your business or planning for a dance recital.
2. A Leader has a Vision - Vision = direction, and without direction or a plan there is no point to all of your planning. This in many cases would be your "WHY".
3. A Leader Shares her Vision - This will straighten your determination to reach your "WHY" if you share with others as to what your vision or goals might be. An example might be that mom who is the leader of a local Mops group looking to build the size of their group or may be a SheEO of her own home biz looking to help others prosper. Share your Vision!
4. A Leader takes Charge - As a Leader you are the one who makes the decisions of your "Team" so it is in your hands to make those visions a reality.
5. A Leader Leads by Example - Leadership is defined upon action! Think about that.... we all want our kids to be Leaders, right? Why, well so they will step up and do the "right" things. And by performing those actions that's what makes a Leader. Well the same goes for being a Leader in life. Others need someone to look at as an example.
Becoming a Leader takes consistent effort, commitment, and activities to develop those Leadership qualities. Just like Leading a baby to walk, you make those baby steps along the way.

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