
Sep 13, 2010


We moved into our Home almost a year ago, the upstairs was totally finished but the downstairs was an empty brand new basement.

I have a cousin who is an interior designer who drew up plans for our dream basement, including three bedrooms, a storage room, bathroom and a nice sized family room.

But time is something we don't have a ton of. My husband is able to
do almost all of the work himself (I'm sure it would be much easier
he had someone that was a better helper than I am) which makes it a total blessing on the cost end of things.

We (Chris while I watched:) framed the room, wired the outlets, and overhead light, put up drywall, puttied, painted and put the carpet down. And by Sunday night we we're done!

It was a huge task in my opinion. Now to finish the rest of the basement.

Here is the first wall drywalled... Now if your a professional you might be saying "you did it all wrong"... But for an impatient wife I think it looks amazing!

The girls we're so impressed with what Daddy was doing! And so excited to sleep in their new rooms.

We found a great deal on the carpet! The room is 12x13, found the
exact size of carpet and it was 30% off. I was thrilled.

It always amazes me what my husband can accomplish. And for years to come we'll be able to look back and say look at what we did. Very neat!

This last picture is of the girls rolling around in the "new" room.
Our two older girls are sharing this room right now. We're in the
process of getting the other one framed and so on. But it works out
well. The girls aren't afraid, they have the company of one another.

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