
Nov 12, 2010

12 Days of handmade Christmas gifts: DAY 8

Welcome to my addition of 12 days of handmade Christmas gifts. If your stopping by from
Cafe Mom, Welcome!!!! I'm so glad you took some time out to take a look at my blog. Today's project is super fun! I had an old frame that the glass had been broken
out of it. So I spray painted it black.
I then drilled two holes in the top of the frame.
I picked a piece of ribbon that I liked and fished it through the frame, tying it in a lose knot.
I then ran a bead of glue around the inside rim of the frame.
I cut a piece of cork (You can find this at most any hardware store) and attached it to the inside of my frame.
Here's a quick view of what it will look like. The white glue will dry clear. This project along with some matching tacks would be such a cute addition to any ones home.


  1. Cute idea to make use of old frames!

  2. Thanks for getting on the Motivational Monday Blog Hop!

    I am now your newest follower! Nice blog!

    Take care!!


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