
Dec 31, 2010

Sweet and Salty

Sweet meets Salty, The girls and I are ready to celebrate the New Year with a few treats. By the way have you ever tried potato chips dipped in chocolate almond bark? So Yummy!

Dec 29, 2010

Christmas party tidbits....

We had a family get together at our house a few days before Christmas and I have to say I loved the way our food turned out! Here are a few cute ideas that you might want to use for your next get together. My Relish Tray.
Brownies on a stick, dipped in chocolate and sprinkles.
Our Snowballs.
Mint Christmas Trees, ( LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my cookie press).
And every ones favorite, Reindeer Poop (choc. covered peanuts).

Dec 23, 2010

What Child is This?

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I often wonder if Mary had any twinkling of what God was bringing into her life? A child, yes, someone to love and care for. But did she have any idea that that child would be our Savior? To save her from her sins as well as mine? John 3:16 has always made me feel safe and comforted.

As a mother of three I often ponder what Mary had on her mind. As Mary and Joseph we're in Bethlehem and Mary gave birth to her Son and she wrapped him in clothes and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Did she know what God had given to her?

My biggest hope is that I can teach my children the true reason of Christmas... That Mary gave birth to Our Savior - and that if we love Him and believe in Him and give our hearts to Him that we will have eternal life. What a gift we have been given!

Merry Christmas to You and Your family and may You have a blessed New Year!

Dec 10, 2010

Yummy Banana Bread

One of my fondest food memories tied to my mom is her Banana Bread. Something she would make every Christmas that was a staple in our house. I on the other hand don't just use this recipe for Christmas, I make it often! It's a simple Better Homes And Gardens Cook Book recipe- modified, but oh so good.
  • 1 1/2 C. Flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon ( I just do a pinch, not much of a cinnamon fan)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 C. mashed bananas
  • 3/4 C. sugar
  • 1/4 C. cooking oil

Bake in a 350* oven for 45-50 min.



Dec 8, 2010

Pre-School Christmas Program

It's that time of year when we get to celebrate all of the amazing little ones. There's my baby in the middle with her little green dress on. She was so excited to get to sing on a big stage with all of her little friends.
I'm so thankful for her! Precious little thing, she has the most compassion, the best way with words and the prettiest little singer I ever did see.

Dec 6, 2010

What's cuter?

Have you ever wondered what could be the cutest thing to see in the morning? In my opinion it's a baby in a crayon drawer. :)

Dec 3, 2010

80th Post

WooHoo - I've been blogging this past year and have so enjoyed it. I can now say that I've officially hit 80 posts!! I'm so excited. So I thought what should I blog about. Well a Passion of mine....

It's amazing how our days become so full, and I thought I would share one thing that I do daily. I work with an awesome group of women, and I've done this since January 2007. You can read my full story on how I found our Team by clicking HERE.

The best part of what I do is change lives! My "job" is to teach other moms how to do online and offline marketing and account set up. My family has been blessed due to the fact that I'm home with them full time and I'm able to add to our income. I feel blessed because I've grown as a person, I'm much more outgoing, I'm able to communicate better, I'm a better mom, and I'm able to teach other moms a trade where they can provide a reliable income for their families. Most of all I have peace! I feel peace and happiness and as if I have a purpose.

I feel as God has opened doors for me to do amazing things and I'm so thankful for it!

If you would like to know more about what I do you can check me out on Facebook or my website.
