
Jan 9, 2011

Let it SNOW, Let it SNOW!

The snow has been falling all day long! On days like these it makes me super grateful to be a human that is able to warm up in a cozy house. But this morning we went out in the snow to help with morning chores. Here's a quick shot of the bulls eating.
Chris breaking ice so the heifers can get a drink.
More ice breaking. As you see I'm such a help, lol. More of an encourager, ha.
"Caking" the cows.
The girls we're so glad to have a treat on this cold morning. As you see it's SNOWING some more. An expected 2 - 4 more inches yet tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. These pictures make me miss my "ranch kid" childhood. I can remember so many cold mornings getting up with my dad to feed cows. Oh, the memories...Thanks for the walk down memory lane!

    Have a wonderful day!


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