
Feb 11, 2011

Valentines Day Cookies

I decided today would make the perfect day for making sugar cookies. And not just any sugar cookies, I had my heart set on these... I found this AMAZING Tutorial.
Well often we see things that are too good to be true, lol. The recipe that I used turned out to not work as recipe stated. Even after putting on wax paper, allowing to sit in the fridge for an hour and re rolling out.
So I turned to my handy dandy cookie press. It has never let me down.
We had heart shaped cookies and the girls had a ball decorating them.
Here is my try at making the PG13 decorated Valentines day cookies.
These are some of the best times!!


  1. Very cute. I found you over at blogfrog (still getting a handle on that little site). I cant wait to make these just for the fun of it


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