
Mar 10, 2011

A few things Every Mom should have on her Desk!

We all have some sort of desk, right? Well here are a few things I think every mom should have on her desk. Things that I don't think I could live without.

#1. My little bit of pretty! This candle just makes me feel good when I see it.

#2. As a mom I forget things frequently, lol, So I use my sticky notes often. And my pen... where would I be without it. Well at times I find my girls have all of the pens and I'm stuck with a color but it works.

#3. My Computer!!! I can see why people become addicted to cigarettes, I'm so addicted to my computer. I go through with drawls when I haven't seen it for a few hours.

#4. I never thought I would be so attached to my calendar but really I am. I like to highlight it, mark special things in it. Make notes about the day or appointments we have.

What are your favorite things to have on your desk? I love getting to see a sneak peek into others spaces! Cheers!!


  1. I like a jar of peppermint candies!

    Stopped by for Like Me FB Follow! Hope you will like me back!

  2. I need to get myself organized. I have never kept a calendar / day timer / phone book. Like...nothing. And I home school my kids. I should really be keeping track of this stuff!

  3. Hi :) thanks for your input on the potty training thing! He's a stubborn one, but in reality still on track according to his brother lol Im following back. I agree with your desk ideas! I have handmade pencil holders made with magazines and origami flowers and the poster holders that come in the maile that I really like but I also my computer and all the writing stuff I need in my drawers. :) Just needs to be cleaned more!

  4. We share item 2 and 3. Glad to found you at theblogfrog. Healthy Beautiful Blog
    Have a nice day.


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