
Apr 28, 2011

Few get to see....

We live in such a beautiful place that few get to see. I love being out in the pasture and being able to do a full 360 and see nothing but pasture and what God has put here!

I often think of my friend who lives on the East Coast, she has mentioned that Dunk-in Doughnuts is down the street. And down the street from us we have wide open spaces!

Apr 26, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

We celebrated Easter at my Moms house this year.

Here are a few shots of the girls finding Easter Eggs that the Easter Bunny hid.... ;D

This one makes me laugh. Cadence wasn't too sure about finding her own eggs, but she liked digging through her sister's baskets to find the ones she liked.

And Mandy was thrilled that the Easter Bunny brought our dyed eggs from home.

I hope your family enjoyed a Very Happy Easter!

Apr 25, 2011

Elements of Greatness

This video is awesome. I want my kids to not only do their best... I want them to do GREAT! So worth your time to watch!

Apr 18, 2011

Top 10 Rules of being a Successful WAHM

  1. Work, works! You must put the effort in to receive the benefits.

  2. Don't "do" what your competition does, you'll be second best.

  3. Educated yourself daily! You must be the best business person, mom, wife, leader that You CAN be.

  4. Surround yourself with encouraging people who will lift you up and help you succeed.

  5. Exercise regularly and be fit physically as well as mentally.

  6. Develop a schedule and stick to it.

  7. Become knowledgeable in areas that you normally would not pay attention to. This keeps your mind fresh.

  8. Double your income, tripling your rate of learning. (Robin Sharma)

  9. Put your family and relationship with God first, everything else will fall into place.

  10. Improve yourself daily and become the best YOU.

Apr 16, 2011

I'm a Guest Recipe Blogger on I'm A Lazy Mom.... :)

I'm so excited!!! Stacey over at I'm a Lazy Mom posted one of our favorite easy recipes for cold days. Hop over and take a look :D

Apr 15, 2011

The Powers Out

We had a Winter Storm roll through last night. Seemed odd to have blizzard like conditions in mid-April. Due to the snow and wind our power went out. It's funny that our kids are so used to the blessing of electricity that they we're not sure what to do.

So... We had some fun Candy Land time :)

Got some of the Easter Candy out to complete the theme, lol. This was the view from our Front window looking out at my front yard and my wheel borrow.
We had candle light too. I find now as a Mom with three little girls all under the age of 5 that I'm lacking in the candle department. There far and few in between.
And the girls had a special little bed on the floor in the living room. They had so much fun with it!

Thanks for letting me share!

Ballerina Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had a Ballerina Birthday Party for our little 4 year old. Here are some of the highlights...I made some baggies full of beads and Ballerina Charms for each of the girls to have and be able to put together. I printed out these individual Name tags for each "Ballerina" invited. We had a special sign on the front door to Welcome our Ballerinas in.
I purchased this special cupcake kit with the cutest Ballerina toppers. (These we're a huge hit but everyone seemed to want the pink ones :)
Here is a picture of our Little Ballerina and her big sister before the party began.
And at our house, it's OK for Ballerinas to dance on the tables.
Cadence had so much fun!
The birthday girl dancing with her sister!

(I turned on a Angelina Ballerina video via. Netflix as the girls we're waiting and had it playing through the party too).

Opening gifts!!

Here's Lilian in the corner of the Pict. Shes telling me how much fun she is having!!
All of the girls dressed up and then learned how to be a Ballerina from their big cousin!
Then we we're off to make our Ballerina bracelets.
And cupcakes!!!
I love this picture of Lilian with her little cousin. She just loves babies!

Apr 12, 2011

Follow Me Back Tuesday and a Sigh of Relief!

Happy Tuesday :)

Thanks for hopping over to my Blog today! I'm so glad that you did, feel free to stay a bit.

Last week was such a scary week for us. Our Now 4 year old sprayed some air freshener into her her little sisters face. I immediately gave her a bath and washed her face and she seemed fine. Long story short we called poison control (they we're awesome) and they said I needed to flush her eyes for 10 min. With all of the water and rubbing of her eyes that she did she irritated them. We went to the eye Dr. and THANKFULLY we use Green products in our home, so there was not a chemical reaction and the clarity of her eyes is fine. This is a picture of her after we saw the eye Dr. He had us put some eye gel on her eyes (it's the same stuff that new born babies get when born). She did amazingly well and is back to her happy, healthy self again! It reminded me how precious my little girls are and so blessed that there healthy.

Apr 5, 2011

Lilians 4 :)

Four years ago today we we're given a tiny little 7# 6oz. little girl! She has grown and grown and grown! She is our child that was awake every hour on the hour when we brought her home, to nurse. She was our little one that was potty trained at 20 months. She is our little one that expresses the most love yet... she can frustrate the heck out of me. Lilian is such a HUGE blessing to us. I'm so thankful for her and all that she has taught me through the past 4 years. I Love you Lily!!!

Apr 4, 2011

Gardening has Started

This weekend was gorgeous out! So the girls and I started this years garden :)

FYI... Mandy and Lilian dressed themselves on Saturday. One has shorts on while the other had a stocking cap on, such funny little ones! Even Cadence enjoyed playing in the dirt.
I was pretty proud of the girls. I made the rows and they put the onion sets in.
Now to plant the rest of the garden.

By the way, there we're a few onions that didn't get pulled last year (see the green above), guess we'll have some throughout the season :)

Apr 1, 2011

Come on Warm Weather :)

I can not say it enough...

I'm so looking forward to tank tops, flip flops, swimming suits, sun shine, warmth, gardening, flowers blooming, smell of fresh cut grass, cows to pasture, playing outside in the sprinkler and all the other fun things that come with those 70 + degree days!