Jun 30, 2011
A visit to our cousins...
Jun 27, 2011
Our little Flower girls
Jun 21, 2011
Lilian's Love

Lilian has always been in love with babies! If there is a baby in any given room, she's there! She loves to hug them, hold them, squeeze them. Even if they don't want her to hold them you can bet she'll try.
It amazes me how God has made each of our daughters so different. Lilian is impatient yet so sincere. And I might add this little girl gives the best hugs! In many ways I would like to bottle up some of the characters out of each of my daughters to enable me to be a better mom and person. With Lilian it's her ability to love... and to love without letting go even if that person doesn't want to be loved. She's pretty amazing and I'm so thankful she's ours!

Jun 15, 2011
Jun 13, 2011
Just a snap shot...
Jun 9, 2011
Summer Fun
Jun 7, 2011
Jun 3, 2011
Fathers Day is just 2 weeks away...
Father's day always sneaks up on me. Here are some fun options for the men in your life:
- Snapfish photo books, cards and handmade gifts. Get free shipping on your order by using coupon code: FS4DAD use at
- Handmade gift ideas and printable at I love this site, there are amazing ideas that can help you or your kiddos make a fun gift for Dad.
- 1 Free month of Netflix movies at
- Take Dad out for Ice Cream at ColdStone Creamery - 20% off coupon
- Free T-shirts, pens, mouse pads and more at