
Oct 25, 2011

New Entry Way Flooring

I started tearing up our old linoleum that was in our entry way before I snapped a picture, but you get the general idea. It was OK and did a great job serving it's purpose, but we needed to make some changes to the under-laying of the front door so what perfect time to do the floor. Here it is after! It took me a full day to do it but it was so worth it!
And here is Cadence helping Daddy do a few finishing touches.

Oct 14, 2011

Chicken and Potato Bake

I was featured on I'm a Lazy Mom for one of our favorite Lazy recipes. Thanks Stacy for letting me share with you and your readers :)

Chicken and Potato Bake

5 Chicken Legs
4 Medium Potatoes (washed and cut into wedges)
2 Tbs. of Olive Oil
1 Cup Italian Dressing
1/2 Cup Parmesan Cheese

Grab a 9x13 baking dish, put the Olive Oil in the bottom of dish. Then place Chicken Legs in the dish with Potato wedges between the legs. Top with Italian Dressing and Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Chicken should be golden brown when done.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Oct 10, 2011

Quick trip to the park

We stopped by the park for a quick visit a few weeks ago. It's always fun to get out of the rush and stop and have fun.

Hope you have a great week!