
Nov 21, 2011

Handmade Gifts... So much fun and easy!

I Love finding time to do some crafting and with Christmas around the corner it's great to find ways to make handmade gifts!

ModPodge Photo Frames:

This is a simple craft that is very inexpensive. What you need:

*Plain wood frames (you can purchase these at Michaels or Hobby Lobby).

*Mod Podge

*Paint Brushes

*Scapbooking Paper
Step 1= Trace the outline of the frame onto the paper and cut out to fit on top.

Step 2 = Put a thick coat of Mod Podge on the front of the frame, then place the cut out paper on top of the layer of Mod Podge. Let dry for 20 minutes and go to step 3.
Step 3 = Put a thin coat of Mod Podge on top of the Scrapbook paper. Allow to dry.

Step 4 = For an added touch glue a ribbon along the edge of the frame.

Step 5 = Place a cute bow or enbelishment on the front of the frame.


  1. So cute! What a great idea!!

  2. Such a great idea!!! I'm going to have to try it!!!


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