
May 23, 2012

What's the perfect way to keep kids entertained?

Homemade playdough!!!!
 We have gobs and gobs of playdough accessories but all of our playdough has dried up. So I decided to make a batch of the homemade stuff (first attempt ever), and it turned out great!
 Here's what you'll need:
1 C. flour
1 C. water
1/4 C. salt
1 T. vegetable oil
food coloring of choice.

Mix ingredients together in a pot, on medium heat stir the mixture until it balls up. Once it's balling up drop out of pan onto waxed paper and knead into balls.

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  1. I love play-doh. Like love it. But I hate giving it to my son because he always mixes the brand new colors & it drives me bonkers. OCD & all.

  2. Ugg I know, it's such mess! Try this and make it all one color, lol.


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