
Jan 25, 2013

Top 6 Viewed Blog Posts of 2012

2012 was a super busy year for our family. We went a lot of places, saw a lot of thing, did a lot as a family and had a lot of fun. Here are the most viewed blog posts of the last year. It's so fun to go back and be reminded of all of the great things that have happened to our family.


Jan 23, 2013

Owen's Room

It's a bit of a change decorating for a boy after having three girls. But I think our touch of boyness is pretty cute!
I made the frames above his crib out of some old barn wood.
As well as the valences above the windows in his room.
We have some original art work made just for Owen. It's even more special because it's a drawing of one of our bulls.
I love this little lamb given to Owen. It fits perfect in his room and a biblical meaning to his name is "A pure & innocent young Lamb". Perfect!
A few more country touches. These little red boots we're mine when I was a baby.
Along with his first pair of little spurs.

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Jan 18, 2013

{DIY} Pillows

 I was blessed to get a Cameo Silhouette a few months ago and have had so much fun with it. Here is my most recent project.
I created the above image with my Silhouette, cut it out and then with craft paint I stenciled it on to some plain white fabric I had.
 I then ironed the back of the fabric to "set" the craft paint. After that was done I sewed the pillow case together and filled.  
Such a homey addition.
Have a great weekend!
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Jan 16, 2013

Blessing of Snow

We've had some pretty nice snow fall in the past few weeks!
So... we we're able to break out the sled!!! We all had SO much fun!
Hope your enjoying the winter weather!

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Jan 11, 2013

How to Add Your Number to the National Do Not Call Registry

Chris has been getting tons of telemarketers calling his cell phone recently. So I decided I needed to figure out what to do to stop that on our end.

The National Do Not Call Registry has a website that you can go to and simply add up to 3 phone numbers that you would like to have on the National Do Not Call list. You can visit the website by clicking HERE. You can also call 888-382-1222 from the phone you wish to register. If you choose to do so by visiting their website you will be asked to verify your request by email and once you have clicked on the link you are entered into the system.

Scammers have been making phone calls claiming to represent the National Do Not Call Registry. The calls claim to provide an opportunity to sign up for the Registry. These calls are not coming from the Registry or the Federal Trade Commission, and you should not respond to these calls. To add your number to the Registry you can call 888-382-1222 from the phone you wish to register, or go click on “Register a Phone Number” in the left column of this page.

Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. Read more about it at

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Jan 2, 2013

Christmas Eve 2012

We decided to start a new tradition this year with our family for Our Christmas Eve.
 I made these super cute tickets. They we're so easy to make and you can customize them.
The idea is similar to the Polar Express movie, we changed it to the Pick-Up Express and really hyped it up for the girls.
 We gave them to our girls after super on Christmas Eve.
 They we're so excited!!!
 They each got a bag of puppy chow, brought their blankets and we hopped in the pick up.
 We then toured around town and looked at all of the Christmas lights. It was so fun to see the excitement in their faces.
Hope your family had a Merry Christmas!
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