
Feb 23, 2013

My Trash to Treasure Mirror

 I found this mirror several months ago. I was so excited about it because I've been looking for a mirror to put in my closet. See my Closet Reveal HERE.

Now it looks like this! I took off the the side mirrors and used a technique for distressing by using Vaseline. It worked fairly well and was super easy.
 Here's a closer up view along with a little sign I made for above.
Here's my full view. I love the new mirror and it really helps balance the space.

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Feb 18, 2013

Ugly into Pretty

It's so fun to take something ugly and make it pretty again!

I've had these two empty candle jars for awhile and decided it was either time to do something with them or take them to the recycling center.
So today I put some elbow grease to them, cut out a couple of numbers with my Silhouette, tied some rafia around the tops and put a tea light candle inside. 
I put the candles on either side of our t.v. Since having our kids I feel like I can't have pretty stuff out because it is to inviting for little fingers to get a hold of. In this case - if they get broke it wont be a huge loss, but adds a little something pretty to our dull entertainment center.
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Feb 13, 2013

Simple DIY Necklaces for our Girls

Valentines day is tomorrow!
I promised my girls I would make something for them and I finally got to it this morning. I made these cute necklaces for them. I want to instill in my kids that not all gifts have to be bought and by making gifts you get so much more joy when you give it as well as when your on the receiving side you feel like that gift was really made just for you. 
These necklaces are super simple. You can buy little kits similar to this one on etsy or I'm sure any craft store. I then cut scrapbook paper to size. 
I then put a pea sized drop of glue in the center.
Then another drop of glue on top of the paper so this glass piece will stick.
I had some scrapbook glitter letters that I used to monogram each necklace for each of our girls.
I then attached a little charm to each one. Simple but from the heart!
Hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!
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Feb 5, 2013


We had this DELISH Cinnamon Roll Cake a few nights ago. So much quicker than making Cinnamon rolls and SOO good! I found the recipe on Lil' Luna's site. There are tons of other yummy recipes there too.
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