
Apr 10, 2013

50 Ways to Market Your Website

Here are 50 Simple, Yet Effective ways to Market Your Website!

  1. Bumper Stickers
  2. Pull-tab Flyer's (Make one in Microsoft Word)
  3. Business Cards (You can get 250 free + S&H).
  4. Make or buy t-shirts with your website address for you and your kids.
  5. Message Boards
  6. Free Classifieds (Free works, it just takes a lot of time.
  7. Ezines
  8. Paid ads both online and off.
  9. Make bookmarks and ask to leave them in your local library.
  10. Create a Co-op with other business owners.
  11. Newsgroups
  12. Word of Mouth (friends and family).
  13. Create a signature line for your outgoing emails.
  14. Inexpensive lapel buttons.
  15. Create pens with your website and leave them with the cashier after writing a check.
  16. Welcome New Baby cards for local Hospital's. (You can add a coupon or a sample of your product for the new mom).
  17. Create a tri-fold educational handout about your business or mission.
  18. Welcome basket with samples to new-comers in your area.
  19. Put a business card in all of your outgoing mail.
  20. Create a Car Magnet. Make sure it's in block print and easy to read.
  21. Fishbowl idea! I love this one, You ask a local business if you can leave a fish bowl along with a sample of a product/prize. At the end of the month collect the bowl (with all of the names) and draw a name for the prize. You will have a bunch of names of folks who are obviously interested in your product.
  22. Flyer's/coupons in your neighbors doors. (FYI: it's a federal offense to put anything in someones mailbox).
  23. Buy a pre-inked stamp with you website address and stamp all of your outgoing mail. Do you know how many people see that envelope before it reaching the recipient? A LOT!
  24. Make a bag for the gym or a diaper bag with your website address while your out.
  25. Have a ball cap made with your website address.
  26. Depending on the type of business you have you can tailor this idea... Buy flower seed packets (10 for $1.00) with a label that says "I'm in the business of helping others grow" Then placing them in flower pots and leaving them at local businesses.
  27. Use sidewalk chalk to write your website address on you drive way for others to see as they drive by.
  28. Reply to spam emails with a friendly link to your website.
  29. Give a stack of business cards to family or friends in different states and ask them to leave them at their favorite spots.
  30. Create a cute profile along with your website link for any chat rooms you visit.
  31. Facebook fan page is a must!
  32. Pinterest marketing.
  33. Tweet, tweet, tweet!
  34. Use your products, take photos and share those photos on your social media accounts.
  35. Use vinyl lettering on a sun visor for your vehicle with your website address.
  36. Have a blog with links back to your website.
  37. Create a YouTube account along with your URL.
  38. Use websites like to set up pre-timed social updates.
  39. Ask to be a guest blogger and be sure to include a link back to your website in your bio line.
  40. Press Releases.
  41. Submit your URL into search engines.
  42. On your voicemail message leave a friendly message including your website address.
  43. Create business card magnets with your URL and stick them to anything metal.
  44. Enlist your kids and hand out flyer's/samples at local parades with your website.
  45. Use vinyl lettering and add your website address to your kids wagon or stroller.
  46. Comment on others posts/tweets/updates and include your URL.
  47. Purchase postcards with your website address. A bit bigger than your biz cards and wont get lost as easy.
  48. Give gifts with things you offer with your business along with a business card so others know where to get it.
  49. Be ready for Halloween with cute bags of candy along with your biz card.
  50. Attend local trade shows, craft fairs, etc along with a both to showcase what your business offers.

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  1. Thanks for the tips, your daughter looks adorable :)
    Vintage Girls

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by!!! Thank you, it's always fun to hear others say your kiddos are adorable ;)


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