
Aug 30, 2013

Fair 2013

Our 2013 Fair has come and gone! 
Mandy and Lilian we're both Clover Kids this year and did lots of fun projects including showing bucket calves. The photo above was the morning of their calf show before we left the house.



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Aug 28, 2013

My new FaVoRiTe way to make Waffles!

 I recently made waffles with a secret ingredient and they we're SO good!
 I pre cooked some bacon, chopped it up supper tiny and mixed it in the waffle batter. Hands down the best waffles I've ever had!
And my girls seemed to like it too ..
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Aug 24, 2013

Fun Photos

 Just some photo love....

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Aug 12, 2013

Owen's 10 Months Old

 It's so hard to believe that this little cutie is 10 months old! 
It seems like just yesterday Cadence was that tiny baby in that very park swing, You can see her at this age HERE.
 Between these three girls and I he is entertained at every moment. It's amazing how in a matter of day's he learns so much. I just want to bottle him up and keep him little.


Aug 9, 2013

10 years Married to my Best Friend! WARNING: TONS OF PICS

Today Chris and I can say we have been married for 10 years!
God has truly blessed us through our marriage and amazing life together, including 4 beautiful babies & lots of laughter.
WARNING: This might be a bit of photo overload but I had a hard time picking my favorites.

I can't wait to look back 50 years from now and see all of the memories we've created!
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