
Sep 18, 2013

From Drab to Fab Backpack

Mandy really wanted one of those over the shoulder backpacks for school this year. We shopped way early for bags and got them on sale, which I was super excited about because my kids have wore theirs out in the years past. So we found this plain black over the shoulder bag for $3.00s! But we wanted to make it pretty. Mandy did a great job on it!
 We used some silver puff paint and she made a design. We then sprinkled with purple glitter. After it was all dry we cut some new ribbon for around the zipper pulls.

And it's perfect! I love that she made it and was super proud of herself!
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  1. Awww that is so cute! What a great deal!:)

  2. Thanks Crystal :) I love a good deal!!! And it was a fun little craft too, to do with Mandy.


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