
Oct 30, 2013


 It's fun to create!

 I made these candle holders out of an old post and some barn wood. I had intended to make them as a Christmas gift since it's less than 2 months away, but now I'm thinking I might keep them :)
They are super simple with a touch of rustic. 

 There sitting on a new entry table I built out of wood from a fence line that was torn out this fall and right below my fancy coat rack I made a few months back.
Old things really have so much character.

 Our back entry way has such limited space and shoes are typically all over. This entry table is just 2 feet long and a foot wide but I hope that it helps to keep things off of the floor.
 And a cute little basket to hold gloves and hats as it's getting colder outside.
Those little boots are just the cutest... Make me think of my little cowgirl that wears them.
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Oct 25, 2013

Playing in the Corn

Corn Harvest was a few weeks ago, its one of those times in the year that my girls look most to. 
Playing in the corn!

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Oct 23, 2013

Home-Made Benches

 After I finished my table and new leaf, I needed to have matching seating. So it got me thinking...
I dug through our garage and found this 10 foot long 2x12. Cut it in half. Found some old 2x4s and measured them the same length as a chair leg would be. I then added some support. 

I had the cutest little helper with me too... Do you see Owen in his pack and play? This project really was pretty simple and took maybe half an hour.
I wanted the color to match that of an old chair that I have (on the right). It's black but very warn. I used a coat of Ebony stain first, then I put on a coat of black paint very lightly. Once that was dry I sanded it lightly to give that used look.
 And here they are in our kitchen. Perfect fit! There easy for the girls and they no longer fight over who is sitting in what chair. That's a huge victory in itself.
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Oct 21, 2013

{Table Reveal}

 I've had this project on my to do list for a few years and I can finally cross it off!
 This table was my great grandmothers. I remember it always being at the bottom of the stairs of her house.  It would open and big enough for a leaf but we couldn't find any leaves for it. With a family of 6 we needed some more room. So I sat out to make it bigger.
 I cut a board to fit the length I needed.
 Drilled holes in the board so it would fit into the nubby thing that was already existent on the table.

 Here's what it looked like after I fit the leaf in. I then sanded and sanded and sanded some more.
After the sanding was done I stained the entire table and new leaf to match. Once that was done I put on three layers of Polyurethane to help protect the table. A few of the old markings I couldn't get out with sanding. But I think it adds character and we all know how I love the look of old things!
 And here it is! I love how it looks, we now have more room for everyone to sit comfortably as well.
 As you could tell from the above photos we had mismatched chairs. So I built the benches, that will be in a later post.
 It's so fun to have items that we're from my family members homes in ours!
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Oct 18, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

 A week ago we we're able to go to our local pumpkin patch and corn maze with our MOPS group! 
We had such a good time.
 Cadence was so excited to go and had tons of fun.
 This one cracks me up. There was a phone in the corn maze and Cadence was talking on it. Such a silly girl.
 It is really such a beautiful place to go!
Got to love this face!
Happy Friday!!!
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Oct 16, 2013

Owen's 1st Birthday

It's hard to believe that our little boy is now 1! 
We had a blast celebrating with all of Owen's grandparents for his first birthday. 
Simple but Perfect!

 His birthday invites said "Truck on Over and help us Celebrate" so I thought it was fitting to have a few trucks out.

 He LOVED the frosting! Now we can say we officially have a 8 year old, 6 year old, 3 year old and 1 year old!
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Oct 14, 2013

Toddler Talk

 My sister has this cute little link up going on over at her page so I thought I would join in on the fun :)
Basically what you do is ask your toddler these 5 questions, see what their response is and then post it as a way to get your little ones involved in your blogging. Great idea, right?! I'm sharing the words of our Cadence who is our gorgeous 3 almost 4 year old.

1.What are you going to be for Halloween?
"Wizard of Oz and baby Owen is a Tiger"

2.Sing a line from your favorite song.
"Skita marinky dinky dink, skita markinky do, I love you."
3.What is your favorite toy?
"My dede". 
(She has always called her blanky her dede).
4. What is your favorite snack?

5. What is your favorite Animal? 
(Lucky is our dog, kinda an easy one).
So hop over and join in on the October Toddler Talk linkup. 

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Oct 11, 2013

A year ago...

It's so hard to believe that a year has passed and to think that I looked like this a year ago, waiting...
 ...for this!
I'm so thankful that we we're blessed with our little guy. I can't imagine our life without him.

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