
May 28, 2014

Hey Mom, What You Need to Know About Working From Home: Week 4

Have you ever wondered why some home business professionals are really Extremely successful and others struggle? The past 4 weeks I've been sharing What You Need to Know About Working from Home. These practical tips have helped me to be successfully working from home for several years now. 
When I started my business I wasn't looking for the best make up, best kitchen tool, cutest bag or to do surveys. I was simply looking to make money! I didn't understand the power of being a product of the product. Think of this, if you we're the CEO of a Ford car dealership would you drive a Chevrolet? Of course not! You would want to represent the company you we're a part of. 

5 Way's you Can Be a Product of YOUR Product Starting Today!
1. If your company recommends a particular starter pack, BUY IT! I'm not a fan of buying things that are un-necessary. I work with a company that has everyday necessities and things that help me save money that I use regardless so this was a no-brain-er  for me.
2. Share your testimonies with those who surround you.
3. If you are promoting healthy eating, eat healthy. If your promoting kitchen gadgets, make sure you like to cook. If your promoting skin care products, Educate yourself on skin care products and listen up... Make Sure YOU USE THEM DAILY!
4. Share on social media in a positive way. Most readers don't want to see constant posts saying "Buy my xyz" or "I need 3 hosts by the end of the month". But they are more apt to be a customer/host/business partner if they see positive messages and photos. Here's an example... My industry promotes living debt free and financial freedom, so sharing a photo of a Financial Freedom Award that I have won would speak volumes vs. other tactics.
5. Believe in the company you represent! Having belief in yourself and your company shows. So if you don't have belief - you better gain it, quickly. If you don't believe in it no one else will.

Make it a great Wednesday!
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