
Oct 22, 2014

Turning Off the Auto Pilot

 This week we're talking about our Destination on our 21 Day Vision Statement Challenge.

Think of this.... Your day is full, I mean over the top full with errands. It might look something like this...
10:00 Hair Appointment
11:30 Dentist

1:00 Appointment with the Accountant
 1:45 Get Groceries
3:10 Pick up the Kids

Obviously if your schedule we're like this you would have to know what direction you would go first. You might use Map Quest to create a map to determine the route you would need to take to get to each destination on time. Knowing the turns, road work, speed limits and weather are all determining factors to your successful day.

You could not leave your car on Auto Pilot and expect to be where you needed to be.

This is the same with your life, your business, your family. You need to shut the Auto Pilot off, create a Vision Statement with clear, thought out direction to help you reach your destination.

Here's to a successful, destination thought out kind of week!

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