Social Media is an incredible tool for all of us both personally as well as professionally. There are 3 things that are so simple yet can kill others perception of you. Start implementing these today and you'll have a more value driven following on all of your social media platforms.
- SPELL CHECK: this comes from a self proclaimed terrible speller. But we all have access to spell check/google/dictionaries etc. If you see those red squiggles under a word that indicates to you that it needs attention. Don't forget to re-read what your saying to make sure it all sounds correct as well.
- SHARE QUALITY CONTENT: Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? This law states that what you put out will be drawn in. By sharing value driven content you'll be attracting like minded, positive people. This is particularly important in the business world.
- SHOW YOU CARE: Interact with your friends, ask questions, share positive quotes, birthday well wishes, personal messages. All of these interactions will show others that you truly care about their well being and want the best for them rather than what others can do for you.

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