
Dec 9, 2014

Your Dreams into Plans

It's amazing to think that 2014 is almost over. Our family has been able to accomplish many things that we had set out to do in this year and yet somethings that we we're not able to conquer .

Do you set New Years Resolutions? Create a list of Goal's at the new year? Plan out every major task you want to try your hands at?

Sometimes the biggest obstacle is ourselves. According to only 8% of American's accomplish their New Years Resolutions.


Because there isn't a well thought out plan in place to reach their Goals!

Set yourself apart in 2015 and Reach Your Goals in 4 easy steps!
  1. The first step is the easiest... You Must have a Dream or Resolution for yourself. Anything from losing weight to starting a new business.
  2. Your Road Map needs to be SPECIFIC! Set some SMART goals. S=Specific, M=Measurable, A=Attainable, R=Relevant, T=Time Bound. 
  3. Share your Goals with someone to help keep you Accountable. Maybe your spouse, a friend, or business partner. 
  4. WORK! We've all heard it, work works! Make a visual tracker to keep in front of you each day to help remind you of WHY your working towards that goal.

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