
Jun 29, 2015

Keep Your Kids Safe!

There was a new report (Read the full report HERE) out a few days ago that warned the number of children accessing liquid
laundry packets has caused more than 3,700 calls to the U.S. Poison Center through April of this year. That just seems outrageous to me! 
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) ... "The most common causes of poisoning among young children are cosmetics and personal care products, household cleaning products, and pain relievers."

Take a look at these Statistics: 
Take a look at this picture... No wonder kids are picking up the wrong things.
It's important to be prepared in the event of an accidental poisoning...
 In our home I've taken it a step further and have removed the chemicals out of our cupboards.
It's my mission to help change the world one family at a time through Awareness and Prevention!

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Jun 23, 2015

5 Simple Ways to Get Organized NOW for Christmas

 It seems crazy to be thinking about Christmas in June, right?!

One of my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of 2015 was to be more organized. I've done fairly well but continually working towards being better.

December always seems like a whirlwind for us. So I was thinking.... Why not plan ahead and be able to enJOY the season instead of fretting on all that needs to be done.

June 25th marks 6 month's till Christmas Day. It's also known as Leon Day (Noel spelt backwards). It's also a time of year when many people start planning ahead for gift making, planning, decorations etc.

5 Simple Ways to be Organized this Christmas!

1. Create a Holiday Gift List
Through the year when my kiddos see something that they want I tell them we will add it to their "wish list". This helps me to remember what they are wanting as well as if I find it on sell I can save some money.
I found this cute free printable HERE. 

And when I see something that makes me think of someone in particular, buy it for them! This hippo makes me think of one of my aunts and it's one of the cutest ornaments I've ever seen. You can find it HERE.

2. Be on the Lookout for Stocking Stuffer's! 
Stocking stuffers seem to be those last minute things that you rush to find. Why not pick them up through the year!?

3.  Find a few DIY projects to make for gift giving (and buy the supplies for them).
I've been wanting to make both of these projects. My mission is to buy supplies now so my kiddos and I can build them and give as gifts to those we love.
You can find a step by step guide for this ornament HERE.

I've been wanting to try my hand at one of these burlap wreaths for awhile, and it's a gift friends could keep up year round.
4. Plan for Christmas Decorations.
I've had this NOEL on my pinterest board for a few years but keep forgetting about it until a few days before Christmas. 
5. Have Family Photos Taken THIS summer for Holiday cards.
There is such a rush towards the end of November for us to get photos done for holiday cards. My plan is to have family photos done this summer while the grass is green and flowers are blooming so I can have that task checked off of my to-do list early.
Find these ideas HERE.
"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!" 
-Benjamin Franklin

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Jun 16, 2015

Summer Fun

 Summer is here and I love it! It makes my heart full to be able to play with our kids and not have to worry about bed times or waking up early for the school bus.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. 
Psalm 16:9

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Jun 9, 2015

Pinterest Project Bench = COMPLETE

I love getting on Pinterest and pinning away projects or fun things I see. I've decided that I need to try my hand at some of these projects. 
I saw several benches similar to this one and the original plans came from
 So I started building and now it's complete!

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Jun 4, 2015

Just thinking...

{Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Jun 3, 2015


My brother is getting married in just a few weeks! Our family is super excited for the big event.
 My sister and I started planning moths ago for an I-Do BBQ to honor our brother and new sister in-law.  It all started with creating these super cute invitations that we DIY'd ourselves. 

We then planned and planned and below are some of my favorite pieces of the BBQ:
Our table decor included these adorable mason jars filled with baby's breath.
 We made this fun display with old ladders, piece of barn wood, chalk board and small jars filled with pop-corn for the guests to take home.
 We had this LOVE Sign (tutorial here) for all of the guests to sign.
 We had a "Cookie Bar" with some of our favorite cookies.

This I- Do sign was made out of an old frame I painted coral along with the FREE Printable I found on Pinterest HERE.
 And a fun picture of my sister and I next to our photo booth set up.
This picture of cuteness is my niece and daughter finding their props that they wanted to use for the photo booth.

 We had over 50 guests! It truly was so fun to bring both families together to celebrate two very special people in our lives.

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