
Jul 21, 2015

Our Favorite Summer Time Brownie Recipe

One of our favorite Summer Time Deserts has to be warm brownies topped with ice cream! 
It's simple and easy and o so yummy!

 Here's the Recipe: 
2 C. Sugar
1 C. Flour
2/3 C. Cocoa
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
{Stir Dry ingredients together}
4 slightly beaten eggs
1 C. Vegetable oil
4 tsp. Vanilla
{Mix all ingredients together by hand}
Place in prepared 9x13 pan and bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 min.

Then the best part = ENJOY!

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Jul 16, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

One of my favorite quotes! It's all in how you see things.
{Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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Jul 9, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Love this quote! 
Here's to all of the truly AMAZING teammates I get to work with!
 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }

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Jul 7, 2015

5 Reasons to have a Savings Account

The incredible feeling of a savings account, with real money in it that is available when you need it is PRICELESS!
28% of Americans don't have an Emergency Savings account. That leaves you relying on credit cards and high interest loans. 
If you Don't have a Savings Account, it's time to start one! Even if it's just $25.00s each month that you can deposit into that account, do it! That adds up and you'll have an additional $300.00s by the end of the year. 
5 Reasons To Have a Savings Account
  1. It lowers your stress level.
  2. Your not sidelined by unforeseen repairs.
  3. It gives you some independence. 
  4. It's a way to stay out of Credit Card Debt.
  5. Your allowing yourself to dream of a retirement, and one you enjoy!
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Jul 6, 2015

Mandy's 10!

 We've entered the double digits with this beautiful girl! She is such an amazing girl and I'm so thankful for her!

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Jul 4, 2015

Happy Independance Day!

From Our Home to yours, we wish you a very 
happy and safe 4th of July!
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Jul 2, 2015

Just Thinking Thursday

Amen to this quote! Here's to Loving what YOU do! 
(And if you don't.... You need to take control of YOUR future).  

 {Follow along each Thursday for #JustThinkingThursday where I share a little inspiration. Join in on the Fun and share Your Inspiration with me on Facebook or on Pinterest with the hashtag #JustThinkingThursday }
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