
Sep 4, 2015

A Fierce Flourishing 2015-2016 MOPS

MOPS is back in session! I'm beyond excited!!!! I have been attending MOPS for nearly a decade now and love each and every meeting, the moms who have become such great friends of mine and the personal growth and refreshing it brings to me.

 This year's theme is so fun - A Fierce Flourishing! 
The colors are so rich and inviting. 

 Decorating is such a fun part of planning for each year. I had seen some cute table pieces that included old frames. I called up my neighbor (So thankful for her and all of her fun finds that she has) because she always has the things I need and she had several frames for me to use.


I then painted each frame.
Added some art.
(These we're all found on the MOPS website with this years downloads).
(Here's the art we put in the frame on the Welcome Table. Also found on the MOPS website in the ideas section).

 We used the frames in a few different ways, on the tables for our centerpieces to sit on as well as on the Welcome table as decor.

This years theme colors and backgrounds we're incorporated in these incredible bulletin boards outside of each of the MOPPETS rooms. The tags are for each mom to write their childs name on and put on their back so the helpers know who's who.

Here's to a great 2015-2016 MOPS Year and may you Flourish!

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