
Sep 2, 2015

How to Attach Girl Scout Badges to your Vests and Sashes

We have three Girl Scouts at our house this year! A Daisy, Brownie and a Junior. To make it even more exciting I'm our troop Leader and our group has nearly doubled in size this year - pretty fantastic for a small little town. 

I was attaching badges to my girls' vest and sashes and had several Mom's ask what to do.
 Perfect time for a little tutorial! 
For our troop all of our badges (excluding the fun patches) we're Iron On and made this task less daunting.
 Step 1-
Start by letting your iron heat up for a few minutes, then iron the front of the vest to get rid of wrinkles as well as warm up the fabric providing a nice place for adhesion.
 Step 2 -
Set the patches on in the place that you desire. I found that it was much easier to do one patch at a time vs. a couple. It provides better adhesion and attachment.
 Step 3 -
Place a paper town over the patch as a barrier between the patch and the iron.
 Step 4 - 
Iron the patch on. It's best to keep heat on the patch for 30-40 seconds before removing the iron.
 Step 5 -
Turn the vest inside out and iron the back side of the garment where the patch sits.
 And your patch should be on! Pretty simple. 
Here's to a great Scout year!

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