
Feb 5, 2016

Clean Your Home in 10 Minutes

To say time is something that is limited in our busy everyday lives is an understatement! 
We all have the same 24 hours in each day but it seems that we're all stretched so very thin that sometimes our homes pay the consequences. 

Here's my go to list when it comes to a quick Clean around the house.
{ AKA 10 jobs you can do around the house in 10 minutes or less.} 
  1. Take out the Trash.
  2. Scrub the front of your refrigerator. 
  3.  Clean the mirrors in your home. 
  4. Sweep the Kitchen floors. 
  5. Mop the Kitchen floors.
  6. Make your Bed.
  7. Unload the dishwasher. (If that's done you might as well load it with any dirty dishes). 
  8. Clean the bathroom counter and sink. (Throw some toilet bowl cleaner in while your at it. I get mine at a discount HERE).  
  9. Vacuum the living room floor.  
  10.  Sweep your front entry way. 
Have a great weekend my friends!  
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