
Apr 29, 2016

White Barn Treasures Spring Event 2016

Mark your calendar for this Falls White Barn Treasures Event!

 A week ago today I was setting up for one of my favorite events, The White Barn Treasures Spring Event. Here's a sampling of the things I took with me...

Have a great weekend my friends! 
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Apr 18, 2016


 I love building projects that make my heart happy. 
This old window came to me in pieces and has sat in my garage for close to 6 months. 
I finally created the vision I was hoping for and love how it turned out! 

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Apr 6, 2016

A Simple Guide to a Clean Bathroom

As Momma's I feel  like we often run circles around our children cleaning mess after mess with no visible end in site. 
Take heed ladies... There is one room you CAN keep clean! 

Simple Guide To a Clean Bathroom

1. It all starts with color. If it's been awhile since you've freshened up the paint in your bathroom set a goal to get to it this week. Your eyes will thank you every time you see that clean fresh coat of paint.
2. Take out the Trash. Its a simple task that takes 10 seconds to do daily. 
3. Don't leave Laundry on the floor. Keep a laundry basket in the bathroom and remind your kiddos to put their clothes in the basket each time they change. 
4. Clean that toilet! Not only does a clean toilet look fresh and smell good. It also keeps your family healthy. 
5. Keep the clutter off of your counter. Each item in the bathroom should have a place. If your cabinets are overflowing it's time to dive in there and get rid of the 1/8 full bottles that are taking up space. 

The bathroom is the one room that your guests are in by themselves. By doing these five simple steps daily you'll be prepared for unexpected visitors plus it makes you feel accomplished to have at least one clean room in the home with little ones running around.

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