
May 18, 2016

A new take on Cow Decor

 We have a few cow skulls in our back yard and I've recently been looking for unique ways to use them. These three have caught my eye. 
A very different way to showcase what was once living.
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May 9, 2016

5 Tips to Looking Great this Swimsuit Season

Happy Monday!
Swimsuit season is almost here and for a lot of us its a dreaded thing to wear one.
 Check out these tips to help you feel more confident as summer approaches. 

5 Tips to Looking Great This Swimsuit Season!

1. Drink lots of water.

2. Eat clean. More veggies and fresh fruit. Less pre packaged foods.

3. Workout for at least 30 minutes 4 days a week. Even if its in short 10 minute intervals. 

4. Burn Fat Naturally with a stimulant free supplement. This one is my favorite. 

5. But a new suit that flatters your body type. It's important to feel comfortable and confident in what your wearing.

Bonus Tip: Wear your sunscreen! Its so important to protect our skin as well as our kiddos.

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May 4, 2016

Mothers Day... Why I'm not a fan

I hate I'm not a huge fan of Mothers Day! 
There's so much hype about "Mother's Day",  fancy gifts that should be given and perfectly dressed moms with matching kids on all of the commercials and ads I see.

It makes me feel less than adequate as a mother and I certainly don't think that's what the day is designed for.

As a child, I feel like its nice to recognize my mom and mother in law on this day but also in my heart I know that it should be an act of love throughout the year. Why should we save the celebration of being a mother to one specific day?

I am sending out Mother's Day cards, aren't they adorable?! They print off beautifully. And because sending flowers is so expensive and last just a week for the recipient, I am sending flower seeds, that will bloom all summer and as they do, I hope those I'm will think of me each time they walk by.

5 Ways to Show Your Mom (Women in Your Life) Appreciation THROUGHOUT the Year

1. Send cards. Everyone loves happy mail.
2. Create a photo album of your favorite memories together and give anytime of year.
3. Call. Who doesn't love to hear their loved ones voices?! And when your on the phone mention how your glad she's your mom.
4. Action speaks louder than words at times. Make the time to spend time together.
5. Buy a gift that specifically makes you think of her. Write a note that explains why.
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May 3, 2016

Teacher Appreciation Gift 2016

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!! 
 I'm so thankful for such great teachers and staff that my kids have!
 My girls made these super cute little Teacher Appreciation gifts.
 I found the cute little printable tags on Pinterest under a "Thank you for helping me grow printable" search. There are tons of cute ones.

 We added simple succulents to the pots after we painted them with chalk paint. And used straws to hold our cards.
 No matter how you do it, be sure to show a little appreciation to those amazing people who inspire, equip, teach and prepare our kiddos for greatness!
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May 2, 2016

"Roll" into Summer

 I've been seeing similar tires on Pinterest and think they are just the cutest! 
So I created my own version. 

I used an 8" car tire. My husband cut it in half (he said it was a big job). I then created a base with 8" 2x4's inside the tire rim and mounted them with standard screws. I topped the tire with a 1x10. Lots of paint. I really cute stencil I created with my Silhouette. (See More of my Silhouette projects HERE and HERE). And a handle. 

My 3 year old fits perfectly on this and so does my 6 year old.
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