
Jun 22, 2016

Lilians Desk

I picked up this desk a year ago at a yard sale. My Lilian has wanted it in her room since then. So we started the process of making it what she envisioned.

And this is what we ended up with!
 We're not yet sold on the knobs and might buy replacements the next time we head to Hobby Lobby. But these will do until then.

 I love the raw wood showing through!

And once Chris gets home he can help carry it to her room and make this sweet girls day! 
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Jun 13, 2016

Menu Planning with a simple DIY project

 Each week I go through the same age old question... "whats for dinner"? This tool has helped me to visually know how to answer that question for our family.

Several months back we made these super simple DIY dry erase menu boards with our Girl Scout Troop. I had each girl make one as part of their meal preparation badge. 

8x10 frame
Printable - I used THIS ONE I found on Pinterest
(this site has tons of cute printables).
Dry Erase Marker
 We cut the printed menu sheet to fit the frame and put it in place of a photo.
 We keep this handy tool in our kitchen and I find myself weekly updating it so I know what to buy the next time I'm at the store.
Here's to a great week of living without the rush and being prepared! 
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Jun 9, 2016

How to SUCCESSFULLY Work From Home with Kids

For the past decade I've been working from home (You can read more about what I've been able to do with that income HERE) with little ones at my feet. At times I've felt like pulling my hair out with lots of little needs, but there are a handful of things that do help me to accomplish more. 

1. Calendar... EVERYTHING 
I use my day planner for everything, not exaggerating. I also use highlighters to highlight times for making calls, sending emails, trips to town, school events etc. This truly helps me to visually see what I'm doing each day and know what MUST be accomplished. 
I found this cute printable 2016 day planner HERE.

2. Office space for 2... or 3 or 4.
My office is where I do the majority of my work. But the beauty of working from home is you can bring your kids to work with you. I find that having a spot that my kids are welcome to come and sit and "work" with me helps them to feel a sense of ownership and they have a better grasp of why mommy is working.

3. Organized Play
I keep baskets of toys around the house. When someone is feeling like their board or don't have something to do while I'm working I pull out a basket. This helps them to focus on something different and keeps them contained to one area. 
You can read more about Organized Play HERE.

4. Take it outside
Sometimes a change of scenery is good for us all. I often find myself taking my phone and kids outside to make phone calls, return texts/emails or posting on social media.

5.Take a Break! 
If your finding your not accomplishing ANYTHING, take a break as long as you don't have an appointment scheduled. Spend some quality time with your littles. For me, my kiddos are the reason I work from home. I have to remind myself at times that I need to value that more and spend all of the moments I can loving them up. Even 15 minutes can change the way my kiddos act for a few hours. 

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Jun 7, 2016

Your growing too Fast

My sweet babies are getting so big so quickly! Seems like just yesterday I was a brand new mom unsure what to do. Now we're onto new adventures  and I feel like a pro at things that once scared me. 
 I hope my children always keep the simple memories  of making muffins in the morning or running through  the sprinkler with me. These little  memories are like the sprinkles on a donut to me. So very sweet and I can't get enough of them.
Enjoy the simple things in life my friend's!
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Jun 3, 2016

Welcome to JUNE...

 It's June?!?!?!
Where have the past 5 months gone? 
It seems like we've done so much yet the time has gone so quickly. 
I saw this post this morning....
...and it got me to thinking. I don't want to look back on life when I'm 75 thinking that each day, week, summer was the same.
 So here is my short bucket list for the rest of 2016:

 1. Show a lot of Grace filled with a bucket of patience! 
2. Don't order the same thing each time we go out to eat. Be adventurous with your pallet! 
3.  Buy & wear those crazy sunglasses.
4. Don't worry about making everyone happy. God paid the ultimate price for your praise, do the work He has set out for you alone.
5. Plan a family adventure... and take it! You can never replace the memories made.

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