
Sep 25, 2017

STAY awhile

I've been  creating some beautiful pieces lately! 
Most of these are custom  pieces made specifically for clients who want a way to share words that have a strong meaning to those they love. 

Each  time I create a piece like one of these I pray over the project and the homes they will be hung in. 

As I look over each of these I find one thing in common, love. The love in an anniversary gift, the love for a friend who has experienced loss, the love in inviting others in to "STAY awhile" and the love of family! 

May you be blessed as you lead through  this day and feel loved! 
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Sep 15, 2017

Customer Follow Ups

With any business or organization you deal with people. People in general want to feel appreciated, to be thanked and to have their decisions solidified. Large corporations pay hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to have a customer service department to ensure that customers needs are met. If you own your own business, no matter what the field might be, its important at getting good at following up. Each Friday I dedicate time in my schedule to do something I call #FollowUpFriday. 

Follow Up Friday Printable
Right click on the above image, save to your computer and print off for use.

I have a printed out sheet that I use that helps me to track my follow ups so I can stay organized to know who I need to follow up with from one week to the next.  For me personally I include my customers name, contact information and date that they first tried our brand. 

I use the list of months to the right to put codes so I know what I did during that month with that customer. Examples are WC: Welcome Card, TYC: Thank You Card, AMG: Anniversary Month Gift, T: text etc. 

Have a great weekend everyone and remember the fortune is in the follow up!

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