
Oct 30, 2017

Start planning for a Debt Free Christmas!

Christmas is 56 beautiful days away!
I love this season of thankfulness, giving, joy filled days and families coming together.
What I don't love is the rush, the anxiety over gift giving and the enormous debt load we put on ourselves. 

This year I invite you to join my mission of living a debt free Christmas. 

Starting November 1st I'll be sharing tips, ideas, DIY's and resources to help you to pay for Christmas in cash without the stress of debt! 

Hope you'll join me! 

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Oct 18, 2017

Halloween Essential Oils

Halloween is almost here!
With all of the costume picking, pumpkin carving, Halloween parties and Trick or Treating it can be a bit exhausting. 

Here's a blend that will help you relax with this cozy, slightly spicy blend. 

Halloween Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

4 drops Orange Oil
3 drops Lavender Oil
2 drops Frankincense Oil

Benefits to this Oil Blend
{Wondering what rooms to use Essential Oils in? Check out this recent post on where to use your EO's.}

Orange oil is known to promote good digestion to help with all of those Halloween treats your kiddos will be getting into along with its immune boosting properties to ward off sickness and germs. Lavender oil is very calming and relaxing to aid in helping your little Trick-or-Treaters to calm down and drift off to sleep after an evening of excitement. Frankincense is known to help with anxiety, promoting feelings of peace and love. I love this fact especially with little ones who might become fearful with scary Halloween costumes they might see. 

If your looking for a safe source to buy your oils from, check out THESE. They are 100% PURE and budget friendly. 

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Oct 16, 2017

5 Touches to Create a Welcoming Home

As I read my devotional this morning these words stuck out to me...
"Help me to create a peaceful, restful, safe, welcoming home."

As my husband, children and guests come in and out of our home I want them to feel all of these things and there are simple things that I do to help to encourage this kind of home environment. 

5 Touches to Create a Welcoming Home

1. A tidy home is more than having the dishes done and the floor vacuumed. Its the process of having things in their place and clean - so when others, in particular my family, come into our home they feel like they can find a place to sit and just be. 
2. Smell good! A home that smells good is so inviting to me. This might be a seasonal scent, one of my favorite essential oil combos in the diffuser or cookies in the oven - either way the aroma of my home makes me feel different ways. 
3. Front door Love. Having something pretty at the entrance of our home is one of my favorites! I want everyone that enters our doors to feel welcomed and thought of. I feel like that starts at the entrance. There are simple things you can add like a wreath, chalkboard sign or vinyl "Welcome" that really give an extra touch. 
4. Eat! Our senses play such a roll in how we react and fee. One of those senses is that of taste. I keep quick and easy treats close by that I can have out in minuets if a guest pops by. Candy corn this time of year is in my cupboard and I often bake bread and have it sitting close by to cut and have out. 
5. You! Some of the most welcoming experiences are those that when I pull up to someones door they meet me with a smile and a warm hug that makes me feel at peace and like I'm supposed to be there. 

Blessings my friends! May you be able to bless those who enter into your home. They may be your children, spouse, friends, family or those you are just now meeting - but may they be welcomed and feel loved as they enter your doors! 

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Oct 6, 2017

October Essential Oil Blend & Why You should use it!

Essential Oils have become such a welcomed part to our days.
Each season brings different favorite blends for us and for the month of October this Farmers' Market Blend hits the spot! 

October Farmers' Market Diffuser Blend

6 drops of Orange Oil
4 drops of Clove Oil
2 drops of Frankincense Oil

Why use this Blend in the Fall?

During the Fall season we loose sunlight and our days become shorter, the temperatures drop, sickness begins to go around and many find they are feeling  a bit down both mentally and physically.
The benefits to this blend are perfect for the season! The Orange oil is very uplifting, immunity booster, that is calming. The Clove oil is a warm, woody scent this also promotes a healthy immune system and to ward off free radicals that cause sickness. Frankincense oil has an earthy scent that also promotes personal wellness and helps to relieve stress and depression. 
If your looking for a source to purchase oils try HERE. There 100% PURE and shipped directly from the manufacturer to your doorstep. I know you'll love them! 

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