
Dec 12, 2017

DIY Christmas Chalkboard Gift

When at all possible I prefer to give non-electronic gifts. I think there is a little piece of magic inside receiving something that's handmade as well. Here is a DIY project that anyone can make and will provide lots of entertainment, no matter the age. 

DIY tic-tac-toe Chalkboard

 Here's what you'll need Chalk Board Spray paint, a ruler, masking tape and a piece of lumber. I used a 1x10 (the board I used measured out to be 9 1/4 across making the measurements easy). 
I chose to make a few different styles by staining my first piece. 

 Then measure out your lumber and apply your masking tape. I would also recommend taping the edges so you can avoid bleeding from the spray paint onto the edges.

 You will then head outside and spray paint your piece of wood. I applied two coats of Chalk Board spray paint allowing it to dry for 20 min before I applied a second layer.

 For a little more fun you can paint the backside with your chalk board paint as well. 
Partner your board with some chalk and you have a perfect handmade gift. 
Christmas blessings!

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