
Oct 25, 2018

DIY Canvas gather sign

Happy Thursday you all! 
The month of October has flown by for our family. Its been full of "fall activities" in the cattle men's world. Such a busy yet beautiful season.

Last week I shared how to make a fall table display. You can get all of the details and learn how to make your own HERE.
But did you see my super cute "gather" sign in the background? Its such a beautiful piece perfect for the fall season when lots of family and friends are gathered around our tables. 

 This project was super fun to do and cost very little. 
 I started with an old black frame I found at the Goodwill for a $1.99. Then painted it black with some paint I had on hand.
 I had canvas on hand from other projects I've made allowing me to cut out the expense of backing. Canvas is fairly in-expensive. You'll need enough to cover the back of your open frame. 
 Measure your canvas to fit in your frame and cut.
 Then use a staple gun to staple the canvas into place.
 Be sure that your canvas is tight within your frame.

I then painted on the word gather with chalk paint in graphite.
You will want to put a clear coat of wax over the top to protect your lettering.
I love the way this piece turned out! Perfect for over our table.

Wishing you a blessed day and weekend of rest!

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Oct 17, 2018

HOW TO: Seasonal Table Decor

FALL IS HERE and in full swing at our house. 
Here is a simple and quick center piece that you can throw together to add a bit of color and seasonal charm to your table. 

STEP 1: I started with a basket and a wine wreath. Layering the two.
 STEP TWO: I recycled a bunch of plastic bags and put them in the center of the wreath for filler.
 STEP THREE: Then layer burlap ribbon to cover the plastic bags. 
 STEP FOUR: Place a handful of raffia to the center of the burlap, this adds texture. 
 STEP FIVE: Add a large pumpkin or gourd in the center of your piece. This will hold things in place and give you a foundation for step six.
 STEP SIX: Place a piece of signage in front of the pumpkin you added in step five. I used a hand painted piece that I created.
 STEP SEVEN: Finish your arrangement by layering pumpkins and gourds around your sign until you get the desired look you are wanting to achieve. 
I love simplicity and color it adds to our table and ties into the other fall décor we have.

May you have a blessed week! 

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