
Apr 29, 2019

Dreaming of blooming flowers

I'm a warm weather person! I love the heat of the day, iced tea and blooming flowers. 
These galvanized tins are a perfect addition to any patio and flowers thrive in them. 


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Apr 22, 2019

Always with a smile

 Our youngest is always wanting to be helpful and present. I love that! I know one day he will rather be playing with friends or helping his Daddy. But while he's little and wants to be with me I will cherish every moment (and photo he wants to be in). 

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Apr 15, 2019

Laundry Room Decor

One of those things we all have to do. Might as well make your laundry room a 
cute/functional space! 

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Apr 8, 2019

Bathroom Decor...

 Bathroom signs have quickly become one that is requested often.
Here are a few that I've designed in the past few months. 

They make for great conversational pieces as well!!!

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Apr 1, 2019

Kitchen Sign Goodness

 Happy Monday! 
It feels good to start a new week and new month on the same day to me. 

Here are a few Kitchen Signs that I have recently designed and made. All true statements when it comes to our kitchen. 

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