
Nov 8, 2010

12 Days of handmade Christmas gifts: DAY 4 DIY Baby Blocks

Yesterday I worked on a project for my niece, nephew and God son.
It was super fun and really pretty easy. I started out with 6 square blocks of fabric.
I then attached ribbon and sewed the blocks together.

I then stuffed the squares and put a little bell inside so they jingle.
I made a total of 6 blocks, all different in color and size. I think there super cute.
And they are baby tested by my youngest... Perfect for baby hands :)


  1. Hello!! My name is Candice- I so love this idea. I must try it for my 8 month old. Of course, he would like it so much better if it were edible! haha

    I'm now one of your humble followers.

    Candice @ rattles and redheads (preschool teaching blog)


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