
Nov 9, 2010

12 Days of handmade Christmas gifts: DAY 5

Wow Christmas is just 47 days away! AHHH so close :) If you've stopped by from the Follow Me Back Tuesday hosted by , WELCOME! I'm so glad you stopped by! Today's project was very easy to do. It would make a great Teachers gift. It's a mug holder. So I started with some fabric and sewed some padding in the inside.

I sewed the padding to the inside of the back piece of fabric.
I did a bit of needle point to create the word "Faith". But wouldn't this be cute with the word "Teacher" as a teachers gift?! I then sewed the Faith piece onto
the front of my front piece of fabric.
I sewed my pieces of fabric together front side to font side and then turned right side out to hide the seams. Then I attached a bit of Velcro.
And here you have it! Cute as can be. I'm thinking for one of our families gift exchanges I might include this along with at $5.00 gift certificate to Starbucks.


  1. What a great idea! I found your blog through FMBT! We are now following you:)

  2. Aww that is so cute!

    I just found your blog through Follow Me back Tuesday! Have a great evening.

    Amanda @


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