
Jan 31, 2011

1460 Days of Working from Home!

Today I'm celebrating 1460 days of working from home! 4 years ago I had been searching for a way to help bring in a little extra income for our family. At that time we had an 18 month old daughter and we we're expecting our second daughter.

I never imagined the blessing I would find. Sure the extra income has helped enormously through the past 4 years but more than that I've grown as a individual! I've been enabled to work with some extraordinary women who have enriched my life more than I ever thought possible.

That's 1460 days of hugs and kisses with my girls, having dinner ready for my husband when he gets home from work. 1460 days of growth. 1460 days of playing Barbies and working with great moms.


  1. Congrats! And you are so cute Sabrina! I love how Cadence is pointing at the camera and that face! Ha! I will never play with Barbies. Just trains and trucks.

  2. Thanks Jean! Yes sad to say but I had a timer set on my camera to take that picture. I think she was curious as to what I was doing. Trans and trucks have to be fun to play with too.


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