
Feb 1, 2011

Follow Me Back Tuesday & a Little Snow

It's Tuesday again! Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you stay awhile!
You can link up for the Blog Hop by clicking HERE.
These photos are a few weeks old but I thought they we're fitting considered the snow is falling today. The snow is beautiful but I would much rather it be 70* out ;) This was the first real time our youngest had been out in a sled with all of the snow. She was so excited!
And Lilian! Here's the little stinker who will go outside on those freezing days with a princess dress or ballerina costume.
Mandy has figured out that it's really fun to throw snowballs. It makes me laugh!
There I am! It's so much fun to let go and run around like a kid. I'm thankful my girls have taught me that. Stay warm today!!


  1. Adorable! I love the candy bracelet too. I might have to try that one with my kids.

    Thanks for hopping by and for following. I am returning the favor. =0)

  2. Cute blog! I'm just blog hoppin' around on this snowy evening. I'm a new follower! I'll be visiting often!!
    Happy Day!

  3. Aren't they just adorable! You must be somewhere on the East Coast too. LOL I'm in NJ. Thanks for stopping by my blog for FMBT and following! I'm returning the "follow" luv! :)

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog!I am your newest follower and following you back.

  5. Thanks for helping me with my goal to get to 100! I just made a snow post similar to this, I loved seeing it! Just to share:

  6. What darling pictures today! I also really enjoyed your Herford site. GO Chris and Sabrina!


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