
Feb 7, 2011

Cadences room re-vamp... The start...

Procrastination is something that I tend to be good at. For instance I bought this
paint about 5 months ago. And here it sets in our basement!My intentions we're to paint this little stinkers room. It's been this lovely shade of yellow for the past year. I guess while I was pregnant with her I loved the color yellow.
Not sure that I care for it much now.
My goal is to transform her room into a peaceful room for her. The paint is bought, brushes on hand, and plan in mind. But now to actually complete the process. So here's my goal... To paint her room before the end of February. Now to get myself into action - that's the hard part.


  1. Pick a day or even this weekend and Chris could help ya and the kiddos can come play with Aunt Julie and there cousins.

  2. Can't wait to see the end result. I'm also a big fan of procrastinating : )


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