
Mar 28, 2011

5 Tips to Improve the Speed of Your Computer!

Is your computer running slow? Nothing worse in my opinion than trying to get some work done and my computer is lagging. Here are a few tips to help improve the speed of your computer.

  1. Use an antivirus program on your computer to ensure you do not have a virus. There are free ones out there like that work well.

  2. Delete un-needed photos and videos off of your computer that take up a large amount of space. I upload my photos on to sites like or to ensure I have access to them but keep my computer clear.

  3. Defrag your computer. You can do this by finding the Help and Support button on your computer and typing in the word "Defrag". It should supply you with a how-to.

  4. Clear your browsing history. You'll do this by finding the Delete Browsing History button. Mine is found in the top right corner of my page under the Safety tab. I would recommend deleting your browsing history and cookies often.

  5. Keep your updates updated! Simple enough right, it will improve your computers over all health and keep in functioning properly.

Hope that helps to keep your computer running properly!

Easter Thinking...

Easter will be here in 4 weeks! Hard to believe. This year my moms birthday falls on Easter so we're "hopping" over to spend the day with her. Therefore I need to be much more organized than I typically am. Here a few cute things I've found as I've been searching and I wanted to share... You can Get these super cute Card print ables over at Nifty Thrifty Things. I'm not sure where I found this cute bunny but I like him! It's made out of an envelop and would be a super easy craft for my kiddos to make or even a Easter Party for school.
These little guys are Barret's made out of ribbon, How cute!
I loved these two ideas, The Pict's came from different sites but either are perfect. These are printable tops for a baggie of Peeps. Just an extra added touch. The top one you can find at Tip Junkie and the bottom one you can find at Craft-O-Maniac.

Mar 24, 2011

Feeding Calves

Feeding our calves has become a family activity.
Lilian now has her own calf that she named Frosty. She was so proud of herself and getting to feed it.
Mandy and Jan. Jan has gotten so big over the past few months.

Mar 23, 2011

If You want Milk don't wait for the Cow to back up to You!

We all have milk in our refrigerators, right? Well in order to get that milk you didn't sit around and wait for that cow to find her way to you in order to fill a jug. Think about that!

Be Proactive! In the same way you we're proactive to get your milk (or the dairy farmer was). You must take steps forward to reach your goals. Goals for your family and your business.

Do not expect to reach greatness if you do not do the work that is entitled to see that dream become a reality. You must be consistent, goal oriented, dedicated and willing to keep yourself held accountable. Think backwards - If you have a goal to earn a $500.00 pay-check before the end of the month you will need to know what it takes to earn that $500.00 pay-check. How many hours will you need to work or dedicate to your business, what activities will you need to do during those hours to make your goal a reality?

So don't sit there and dream about tomorrow unless your willing to make your dreams a reality!

Mar 14, 2011

Spring is in the air!!

Happy Tuesday! Thank you all for hopping over to my blog, I hope you stop over often, are able to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay!
You can link up to the Blog hop HERE.
I must say I have a bit of spring fever! Spring will officially be here in 7 days. I've noticed that Spring IS in the air though, My Lilac bush (above) has buds on it.
My Iris' are starting to come out of the ground.
Trees are starting to bud as well
Even our Dog Lucy is ready for spring. Lucy spends a lot of time inside, more by my choice rather than anyone else. I do think she enjoys being out though!
A few other keys to me that Spring is in the air would the chirps of the birds in the morning and just today I saw a flock of Geese flying North.
Spring - I'm READY!!

Mar 10, 2011

A few things Every Mom should have on her Desk!

We all have some sort of desk, right? Well here are a few things I think every mom should have on her desk. Things that I don't think I could live without.

#1. My little bit of pretty! This candle just makes me feel good when I see it.

#2. As a mom I forget things frequently, lol, So I use my sticky notes often. And my pen... where would I be without it. Well at times I find my girls have all of the pens and I'm stuck with a color but it works.

#3. My Computer!!! I can see why people become addicted to cigarettes, I'm so addicted to my computer. I go through with drawls when I haven't seen it for a few hours.

#4. I never thought I would be so attached to my calendar but really I am. I like to highlight it, mark special things in it. Make notes about the day or appointments we have.

What are your favorite things to have on your desk? I love getting to see a sneak peek into others spaces! Cheers!!

Mar 9, 2011

Checking Cows with Daddy

No matter what time of year it is we love getting to go with Daddy and check cows. We get to stand up in the pick up and don't have to wear our seat belts.
We get to look out the windows and watch the cows.
And this time of year we get to see all of the baby calves!

Mar 7, 2011

Saturday Trip to the Neighbors

We are so lucky to have good neighbors! This Saturday we we're invited over to one of our Neighbors places to see the goats. I wasn't sure what to expect, but we we're invited in the pen with all of these tiny baby goats. The kids loved it and ran around chasing them. Lilian with one of the kids ;)
We also live hear my grandmother and it just so happened that this weekend a few of our cousins we're visiting, so there we're a bunch of kiddos.
The girls had such a good time!
Mandy with one of the goats.
All of the "kids"!

Mar 4, 2011

5 Things I Love about Fridays...

  1. It's the last day of the work week and the first day of the weekend.
  2. Mandy doesn't have school on Fridays so all 3 of my girls are home.
  3. Laundry is typically done for the week.
  4. Always make an easy meal for dinner or get to go out to eat.
  5. Good music on the radio on Fridays.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Mar 1, 2011

Follow Me Back Tuesday

Happy March 1st! I'm so glad March is here, that means spring is near :)
Thanks for hopping over today. Be sure to link up to the blog hop HERE.
Here's to a great month and I hope you have a blessed day!