
Sep 29, 2011

Take The Risk!

I came across this post today that a coleague of mine posted on her blog Take The Risk! It was so great that I wanted to share. Life really is about taking lots of little risks to make a really great life!

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”
― Oprah Winfrey

Sep 20, 2011

Tuesday Blog Hop and my Indoor Plants

Happy Tuesday!

Thanks for hopping by my blog! I'm so glad that you stopped by.
If your looking to join Tuesdays Blog Hop please click HERE.

I have several plants throughout our home. But this year these two have bloomed. They haven't in the past 2 years so I thought it was worthy of sharing :)

This Peace Lily has bloomed 3 times so far this year. I think there so pretty to look at!

Have a Blessed Day!!!!

I would love to hear from you! Feel free to leave a comment.

Sep 16, 2011

Adding Your Blog Feed to Your Facebook Account

Facebook is the most visited website in the world. So it's important that your sharing your blog content through your Facebook account or Facebook Fan page.

Here are 9 steps to do so:

  1. Log into your Facebook Account.

  2. You will need to search for the RSS Graffiti App and add it to your account.

  3. Once the RSS Graffiti App is on your account you will see a toolbox for the application.

  4. You will see the +Add feed button, click there.

  5. In the Basics tab you'll see next to the Feed URL box you will enter Your blogs RSS Feed.

  6. In the Source Name tab you will enter the Name of Your blog.

  7. In the Source URL tab you will enter the URL address that you use to visit Your blog.

  8. You will also notice there are tabs that will allow you to set up how often your blog posts get posted to your Facebook account etc.

  9. Lastly don't forget to Save your changes that you have made. You'll find the Save button in the top right hand corner of the app.

Happy Blogging!

Another great resource for adding your blog to your fan page!

Sep 8, 2011

Take Control of Your Money

We've taken the steps to Take Control of our Money - such peace of mind!

Sep 6, 2011

Lilians first day of preschool!!!

Lilian started Pre-school today! She was so very excited.
Even her little sister was excited! It reminds me of a similar picture last year of Lilian with her big sister who was starting school.

And these two cute girls... This is Lilian's classmate and cousin!

A few of the Pre-school kids waiting for school to get started!

And there she is! In her Pre-School class room. Can't wait for her to get off of the bus and tell me about her day!

Sep 1, 2011

What's in a Name?

Creating your own personal domain name is ideal when you own your own home business. This is a way for your niche market to find and connect with you. It also enables you to market yourself on the web as well as off line marketing with an ideal business feel.

How To Get a Domain Name?
You might ask yourself... "How do I create my own domain name?" It really is a simple task and one that should be done as soon as possible. There are many domain hosting sites on the web. One example is You can purchase your ideal domain name for as little as $9.99. Here are a few tips when picking your domain:

  • Choose a .com rather than a .net, .us, .info! .com's are what comes to mind as a potential customer is searching, therefore allowing you to become more visible.

  • Count how many characters are in your domain name. The shorter the better in my opinion. You want something short and catchy that will grab attention as well as fit on print ads and business cards with a professional look.

  • Choose to allow your domain name to automatically renew each year to insure you will not lose it.

Once you own your domain be sure to link it to your site and give it a test run to ensure it is working properly. Take advantage of creating your domain today to better your business for tomorrow!