
Nov 2, 2011

Setting Goals = Achieving Goals

Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines. ~Brian Tracy

In life it's so important to have a vision as to where you want to be, where you see your life going, what you will and will not do. One of the best ways to create that vision is to set Goals. Both short term and long term goals enable you to get through your day to day living with success.

Let me give you an example of a short term goal with the SMART Goal Setting outline... "I WILL vacuum my living room before I have to go to town at 2:00 so the house will be clean when the kids get home from school."
My goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound!

Here is a work related example... I WILL follow up with all of my business partners by November 5Th to ensure they have all of their questions answered, needs met and have a clear understanding as to what our November promotion will provide for their families.

By Setting SMART Goals it turns the impossible into being Possible!

Here are 3 other ways to create goals:

1. Create a list of daily tasks to accomplish.

2. Create a Dream Board with photos and goals listed.

3. Use a day-planner/calendar to write goals down next to the date you would like to accomplish them.

There's no better time to set goals then NOW! I encourage you to take pen to paper, write them down, share with someone to keep you accountable and focus on the action rather then the end result.
Remember to stick with it and don't stop until you reach your goal!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower here.

  2. This is a great post Sabrina. You have always been such a great goal setter. And you have helped me to set mine as well. I wrote down the SMART acronym and will put it on my desk to remind me. I also enjoyed checking out the links you had to those 2 other posts.


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