
May 25, 2012

Pinterest Printable

I found this adorable printable on Pinterest....
 I love it! The only downside to it is when I clicked on the link to find who made it, it wasn't a real link anymore. So I saved it on my computer and printed it off. Here's what it looks by my washing machine.

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May 23, 2012

What's the perfect way to keep kids entertained?

Homemade playdough!!!!
 We have gobs and gobs of playdough accessories but all of our playdough has dried up. So I decided to make a batch of the homemade stuff (first attempt ever), and it turned out great!
 Here's what you'll need:
1 C. flour
1 C. water
1/4 C. salt
1 T. vegetable oil
food coloring of choice.

Mix ingredients together in a pot, on medium heat stir the mixture until it balls up. Once it's balling up drop out of pan onto waxed paper and knead into balls.

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May 15, 2012

A bit of this and that Craftyness

I know Mothers Day has come and gone but here are a few things we've been up to at our house this past week.
The above photo is a simple water bottle with some drink packets in it and this cute printable.
 This cute idea came from Pinterest! I painted a piece of wood, mod-podged some clothes pins and hung a piece of string. Super cute Mothers Day gift for the Grandmas out there.
And my Lilian is celebrating her last week of Pre-School this week! So we gave her teacher a soda with this cute Printable. 

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May 2, 2012

My Closet Reveal

Our closet has been on my To-Do list for a long time! Like close to three years, talk about procrastination. But now it's done!!!! Excluding a new mirror. Below is an old frame that I spray painted and added wire to the back to hang my earring's and bracelets.
We've all seen those cute necklace holders on Pinterest made out of an old rake, well here's my version... 
 I found this lovely in the back of my garage. The one thing I added to my new necklace holder is a bead of hot glue at the end of each of the tines to ensure my necklaces wont slip off.
 I bought 3 yards of burlap from Hobby Lobby  for right around $3.00s a yard. I used a bit of it to cover a few boxes to put my jeans and sweaters in on one of the shelves in my closet.
 I also used a bit of that burlap to re-purpose an old coffee table that we had in our basement. I painted this coffee table, used batting, new knobs on the front and my burlap along with my faithful staple gun to give it new life!
 I also made these new burlap curtains, I'm so excited about them!!!
 I also added a touch of color {I love the sale paints that you can find at your local hardware stores, great colors at a really nice price} and I bought a stencil to make my closet pretty!
This space makes me so much more happier to be in my closet and not to stuff things in it. :)
Happy Wednesday!
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