
Jun 4, 2014

Hey Mom, What You Need to Know About Woring From Home: Week 5

 Can you believe we're in the 6th month of 2014!? It's Amazing how fast this year is going. If your building a business from home you should ask yourself this...
"What am I going to do for the next 6 months to look back on 2014 and know I made it a great year?"

If one of your answers is to expand your business, your in the RIGHT PLACE!
This week we're talking about Marketing!!!! This is one of my favorite topics. It's one of those things that has been a learning curve and is consistently changing yet brings such gratification as you see your business growing.

This short video share's 5 Way's that you can Market Your Website for FREE
Online Marketing is HUGE but don't forget you need to do other things as well:
1. Business Card Marketing
2. Paid Ads
3. Car Decal
4. Fliers

The main thing is to stay consistent. With that consistency will bring great rewards.
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