
Jun 16, 2014

Home Made Pink Flamingo Play-Dough

 We made play-dough this past weekend and the girls we're SO excited! I have to say it smells a lot better than the stuff from the store, non-toxic, they can pick the colors of choice and a lot more fun. It also stores well.
 Here is my colorful Lilian helping to make hers.
 First you'll mix all ingredients in a bowl. This step I let all 3 girls participate in.
 Then you heat it on the stove and you'll see that it will start to form a ball.
 Once you have taken the heated play-dough off of the stove and let it cool to the touch, then you can manipulate it.
It also makes a great handmade gift! The girls each made a different color, named the color (we had Pink Flamingo, Bright Sky Blue and Awesome Green). You can customize and print labels at 
Have a great week!
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