
Sep 29, 2014


Fall is in the air! And it's not complete without some FALL pictures of our babies...

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Sep 25, 2014

Showing Up = Success

 Have you ever wondered why some people are so successful and others are not? 

In my industry I often hear from people that they don't think they can be successful or that because of past failure they have a insight in their mind that they can never do well again working for themselves. Interestingly, those have previously failed have a 20% chance of succeeding. 

The reason for that 20% chance is due to our mindset. 

Here are some things to think about when your looking for Success:
1. 80% of success is showing up and being present in your activity! Be at every meeting, attend every training, call when you say you'll call.
2. Attractive people have a little more success. Did you know that statistically attractive people earn at least 10% more than unattractive people. Meaning, dress up from the neck up everyday, exercise daily, take care of yourself, put clothes on vs. our favorite yoga pants. Your appearance drastically effects your mood and mindset. 
3. Mindset! Mindset! Mindset! Your decision must trump your emotions and your mindset needs to be a positive one, knowing that you WILL be successful as long as you put the effort forward. 

To Your Success!
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Looking for more? There is Light at the End of the Tunnel! Read Cathy's story of triumph. Starting as a waitress to owning her own business and earning a real residual income!

Sep 22, 2014

Christmas Spirit in September

It's September and I'm already in the Christmas Spirit! There's something so magical about celebrating a King's Birth, Baking Cookies, Sending Christmas Cards, Seeing Family and seeing my babies faces light up with all of the festivities.

So I've been thinking... what are we going to do for our Christmas Cards this year? We've had some pretty amazing cards in the past but I've recently been seeing all of these cute backdrops photographers have been using. Here are just a few of my favorites. {All Images are from Pinterest}

All of these just scream MERRY CHRISTMAS to me! 

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Sep 11, 2014



We all have them...

 But a dream is really a wish that doesn't have an action plan to achieve it.

Do you have a Dream Board? I do and have had different ones through the last few years. It's incredible to see what has been achieved and what is yet to come. By putting your dreams on paper it makes them 10 times more attainable!

Here is an incredible article to help you Put Your Dreams To The Test, it's a quick read but totally worth it. Here's a little snippet...

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."
Read More HERE
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Sep 5, 2014

The Wild Animal Sanctuary

 If you have never been to The Wild Animal Sanctuary and are within driving range you should go! This is the second time our family has gone. It's so cool to see all of the large carnivores in their "natural" habitats.

 Our trip was extra fun because we got to go with cousins! 
It's so fun to see all of the kids together :)
Learn about The Wild Animal Sanctuary:
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