
Oct 31, 2014

Hands Down Favorite Halloween Movie

Happy Halloween! 

Halloween is such a fun holiday - kids have so much excitement with dressing up and the anticipation of candy! I'm excited for fun snacks and watching a few of my favorite Halloween shows.
Hands down Hocus Pocus is a MUST!
 And who doesn't love the Tool Time Halloween episodes?!

Here are my babies all dressed up last year as the characters on Wizard of Oz!
 To end our 21 Day Vision Statement Challenge I wanted to give tips to helping you create the most powerful vision statement possible.
  1. Confront the brutal facts.
  2. Understand you are where you are now because of the actions YOU have made. 
  3. Know what obstacles you will be faced with.
  4. When you begin writing your Vision Statement date it with a future date as if your living that lifestyle.
  5. Highlight key points that have gotten you to where you want to be.
  6. Sign it as if it's a contract that needs to be up held. 
  7. Keep it in plain sight where you will see it daily. 
And I love this joke because Mandy told it to me this morning... such a humor that girl has. 

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Oct 29, 2014

Creating something more...

 I've been having so much fun creating for friends. It's one of those things that I find so enjoyable to be able to use my creativity to make beautiful things.
The weather has been beautiful here and makes it even more fun to be in the garage creating and having this little cutie out as my helper... 

Finishing up this week will be Life Simplified with Lori and my 21 day Vision Statement Challenge. I found this really fun road map that correlates with Monday's blog post. I love how simply it's laid out. It was found on Pinterest. 

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Oct 27, 2014

Where is your road taking you?

Happy Monday and Welcome back to week three of our 21 Day Vision Challenge! This week we're going to go over our Road Map now that we know what our Vision is along with our Destination.

road map
  1. 1.
    a map, especially one designed for motorists, showing the roads of a city, state, or other area.
  1. 2.
    a plan or strategy intended to achieve a particular goal.

It's time to roll up our sleeves, buckle up and create that road map!
  • What actions need to occur to reach your destination
  • Break those actions down into smaller manageable steps
  • Prioritize those steps
By putting these key things down on paper it will help you to make a more obtainable, realistic, laid out view of where you need to go, obstacles that might arise and ultimately, reaching your vision.

In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision.
-Dalai Lama

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Oct 22, 2014

Turning Off the Auto Pilot

 This week we're talking about our Destination on our 21 Day Vision Statement Challenge.

Think of this.... Your day is full, I mean over the top full with errands. It might look something like this...
10:00 Hair Appointment
11:30 Dentist

1:00 Appointment with the Accountant
 1:45 Get Groceries
3:10 Pick up the Kids

Obviously if your schedule we're like this you would have to know what direction you would go first. You might use Map Quest to create a map to determine the route you would need to take to get to each destination on time. Knowing the turns, road work, speed limits and weather are all determining factors to your successful day.

You could not leave your car on Auto Pilot and expect to be where you needed to be.

This is the same with your life, your business, your family. You need to shut the Auto Pilot off, create a Vision Statement with clear, thought out direction to help you reach your destination.

Here's to a successful, destination thought out kind of week!

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Oct 20, 2014

Where will you be?

 Welcome back to week 2 of our 21 day Vision Statement Challenge!

This week's focus will be on our Destination.


the place to which someone or something is going or being sent.


Have you ever thought about you destination? 


Where do you want to end up in 1 year, 2 year's, 5 year's, or even 10 year's. Where do you want to retire? What kind of lifestyle do you want for your families future? 



We all have the same 24 hours in each day, but what we do, plan and prepare for in those 24 hours that we're each given will add up to greatness or in some cases, lack of greatness for us.

Goals are important things that we we're all taught as a child to think about, but having short and long term goals along with a destination in mind help us to determine what steps need to be taken to lead us to where we want to go.

Check back with Life Simplified by Lori and I each Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the next 2 weeks to follow along with our challenge.

Here's to a great week!

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Oct 17, 2014

Vision Statement Printables

 Proverbs 29:18
18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish"

All week we've been talking about Creating a Vision Statement and the positive results of doing so. This weekend's challenge is to take action!

Day 4 & 5 of our Vision Statement Challenge: 

Here are a few printable worksheets I found via a Google search to help you in "filling in the blanks". A goal is just a dream if it isn't well thought out and shared. 

Check back here on Monday to follow along in our Vision Statement Challenge. 
Have a great weekend!
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Oct 16, 2014

Find Joy....

" ... whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

 I find joy in creating... it comforts me. 
I feel so honored to be able to create for others as well and share my gift.
Find my Facebook page and keep up with my creations

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Oct 15, 2014


 It's hard to believe that our pliers loving little boy is now 2! 
I'm so thankful that we've gotten to experience both the fun of having daughters as well as a son.
 Happy Birthday Owen! We Love you!

On Monday, with the help of my friend Life Simplified by Lori, we introduced you to our 21 Day Vision Statement Challenge.

As you know it takes 21 Day's to create a habit, and that is why we picked exactly 3 weeks to hold this challenge.

Day 2 and 3:

Your Vision Statement goes hand in hand with having a Mission Statement. This not only applies as a business owner but as a family unit as well. Take these questions into consideration as your working on your Vision and Mission Statement's this week.

3 Questions to Creating Your Mission Statement:
  1. Are you Committed? Make a Commitment as a family to uphold your mission statement.
  2. What are your key family values/personal values/business values?
  3. What do you imagine your world/personal life/business potential will look like without your Mission? How will you make the world a better place?
Resource for creating a Family Mission Statement:

Connect with us each Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the next three weeks to creating your Vision
Statement. I love Comments, share your thoughts and ideas with me!

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VISION: Proverbs 29:18 says this "Where there is no vision, the people parish" Read More HERE 

Oct 13, 2014

21 Day Vision Statement Challenge

A business partner and I we're brainstorming this past week on challenging each other on creating a vision statement along with blogging consistently for the next 3 weeks. What a perfect marriage of two things!

Today is the day, Day 1:
"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." -- Joshua J. Marine

To start off your 21 day's you need to know what a Vision Statement is and begin "mind dumping" so you can have clear thoughts.

A vision statement is a declaration of a company's  YOUR goals for the midterm or long-term future. Ranging from one line to several paragraphs, a vision statement identifies what the company YOU would like to achieve or accomplish.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
  1. Where do I see myself in 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? 
  2. What would I like to change or improve?
  3. What would I like to accomplish?
  4. What challenges will I have to overcome?
  5. How important is this to me?
 Let's create a Vision Statement together and see growth through it! Check back here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next three weeks to follow along with Life Simplified By Lori and I on  our Vision Statement Challenge.

Follow along with our Challenge:
Day 2 & 3
Day 4 & 5

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Oct 9, 2014


I'm a firm believer that if there is a will there is a way. We all have excuses for not doing something or trying something new, but those excuses are not helping you find your true potential and blessings for you and your family.

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Oct 6, 2014

White Barn Treasures

 This past weekend held such a fun blessing to me! A friend of mine has this incredibly beautiful barn! It's stunning to say the least. And she opened it up for the best craft fair I've ever seen!
 The day was filled with great friends, YUMMY food & a beautiful setting.
 It also held a new venture for me. I love creating, but... everything I have ever made has been for our home or to give as gifts to family and friends. I was so honored to be able to bring a few of my creations to the White Barn.

One of the biggest reason's I decided to bring a few things was because of a devotional that I read early this summer. It said that God is a Creator Himself. For He created the heaven's and the earth and all that lie between them. Not only that but God wants us to use the gifts that He has given us. That devotional has stuck to me like glue through the past few month's. And what a blessing it has been to have that new outlook on creating! 
"...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
 I had the most fun meeting new faces, enjoying getting to know some incredible people and just feeling the blessing of knowing whole heartily that the day was totally in God's hands!

The Day Before:
 I took the majority of my creations over to the barn on Saturday and snapped a few pictures of everything before we went home....

Make it a great week!
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